Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Free Movies, Great Music, Sweet Deals, and a penny for your thoughts

Recently I visited Rick Broida's CNET website, The Cheapskate. He posted that you can buy an iphone app that will tell you how to get a free REDBOX movie. Someone posted in the comments that this app was worthless because you can do the same thing by googling "redbox codes", so I did this and I found the codes.

Use this site to find codes for REDBOX. Then go to your local kiosk. Find the small touch screen box that says "Use Promo code" and put it in your code. Viola! YOu can now rent a video and it will be free. Just make sure you bring it back the next day.

This site is awesome. They have four to six songs for many great artists. Go there sign up and download: Avett Brothers, Fleet Foxes, Bon Iver, Clare & the reasons, and Okkervil River.

I use this website whenever I want to search. Every morning I go to this site and search for "woot" and "cnet broida". I use it instead of google. I make swag bucks when I search. You will not get swag bucks every time. Maybe once in the AM and once in the PM. If you try to earn the swag bucks, you never will. You have to just search naturally like you always do. Click on this link and get started. I just spent 150 swag bucks entering various different contests.

Search & Win

This site has a different deal every day. Usually it is electronics, but I have bought head lamp flashlights for camping, water filters, record players, and other things.

Another deal a day website. I have found freebies and coupon purchases here that are very worthwhile.

Here is my associated content page. Join this to publish your work on the web and get paid for it.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Friday, November 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

Comfort and Joy

November 15, 2009
Made some beer on Sunday and broke the hot water heater spigot in the process. This recipe came from my head and I think it will turn out beautifully. I used an Edinborough (Scotch Ale) Yeast in one Carboy and an English Ale Yeast in the other. Both White Labs. Thanks to Chip and Carson from Steinfillers for their nods of approval as I pieced together this beer that hopefully will fill me with "Comfort and Joy" right before I dream of sugar plums.

18 lbs. English Two Row
1/2 lb. Chocolate Malt
1/2 lb. Black Patent Malt
1/2 lb. Crystal 35
1/2 lb. Crystal 75

Mashed in at 128 raised temp to 158

60 min boil
40 min 2 oz. Chinook
10 min 2 oz. Crystal
5 min 3 cinnamon sticks
5 tsps. Allspice

Planning on soaking oak chips in bourbon for the secondary.

Friday, August 21, 2009

Family Campout Numbers #1 - #13: California Camping with My Ever-Growing Family
For the last thirteen years, my mom and step-dad have insisted that we all go camping together. What started with my parents, my sister, my step-sister, two-step brothers, and myself has grown into a spouse and grandchild filled extravaganza.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Like the Zombies said: It's the brew a Saisson

I wanted to make this because I wanted something light and a little sour. This will be great to drink in late August/ Early September. It is a Farmhouse Ale, so I can ferment it in my hall closet and it will do fine although it is perpetually 82 degrees in my house. I should get the damn air conditioner fixed, then I can make some lagers.

Zombie Saisson (After Dupont Saisson from Clone Beers)

Step mash in Sanke Keg with stainless false bottom.
July 19, 2009 @ 3:00
19 lbs. Pilsner Malt
1 lb. Vienna Malt (GWM)
2 lb. Wheat Malt

Began at 122, stepped up by adding hot water to 150
Sparge on the tall ladder @ 170
Problem: Sweet Wort overflow from 5 gallon bucket
Boil for 90 minutes
Added Belgian Candi Sugar and 2 oz. Super Styrian (90)
Added 1 oz. East Kent Goldings and Bitter Orange Peel (15)
Added 1 oz. East Kent Goldings (5)

5-6 Gallons pitched Wyeast Abbey yeast
3-4 gallons pitched Wyeast Saison Yeast
Both ferment at 70-75
Saison yeast began after 24 hours and only went for 36 hours
Abbey yeast took 48 hours but is still going after 3 day
Both yeasts were old. This was my first experience with Wyeast. One of the blister packs was busted already.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Long Beach Bike Friendly

Jul 3, 2008

The city of Long Beach today announced plans to develop two "bicycle boulevards" using a $330,000 grant from Los Angeles County.

The grant, made through the county Department of Public Health, will be used to hire a mobility coordinator and to plan the new boulevards -- streets that give preference to bicycles through the use of traffic circles, medians, bulb-outs and other elements. One will go east-west, and the other north-south, according to city officials.

"This grant will help us become the most bicycle-friendly city in the United States while promoting a more healthy and active lifestyle throughout Long Beach," City Manager Pat West said.

The new mobility coordinator will be tasked with encouraging physical activity and more healthy modes of transportation, city officials said.

Long Beach already has more than 30 miles of dedicated shoreline and river bicycle paths connecting the city with other portions of Los Angeles County.

A planned update to the city's General Plan, referred to as Long Beach 2030, envisages policies that would encourage biking, walking and public transit.

Los Angeles Fair Officials usurp California Fermentation Society

As an avid home brewer and self-proclaimed beer connoisseur, I jumped at the chance to serve beer at the Los Angeles county fair in ’08 for the California Fermentation Society, an organization of which I am a member. The previous year, one of the employees at the local home brew supply shared with me the finer points of this exciting duty. Obviously, since you are serving beer, you can drink as much as you want. That year Trumer Pils won the competition. This beer, that is now made in the U.S., Berkeley, I believe, is much better than Budweiser as far as pilsners go, but that is not saying much. I enjoyed a beer from Telegraph Brewing (Santa Barbara), Moylan’s (Novato), Marin Brewing Company, Boston Brewing, the Bruery (Placentia), Humboldt Brewing Company, and many others. The other great thing is the tips. I earned about thirty dollars in less than four hours. I didn’t spend my whole time serving because I took breaks, and I didn’t give away free beer, which one other guy did and that allotted him eighty dollars in the same amount of time. At the end of the night, I took home a T-shirt that reads “Beer is proof that God loves us and wants us to be happy,” Benjamin Franklin. I was happy to have the shirt because I had given the same shirt to my mother recently. All in all, it was a very enjoyable night. Aside from the money and free beer, it is fun to be a bar tender. You get to assert a sort of power when you are giving people drinks. As a beer lover, I am truly grateful when a tasty beer sits in front of me ready to drink.

This year was different. The California Fermentation Society was dropped from covering the Beer Garden at The LA County Fair. The fair officials figured they could hire someone to run it and they could keep the left over profits. I wouldn’t blame them if the whole Beer Garden wasn’t the idea of the society to begin with. The society approached the fair almost ten years ago and proposed that they do this beer tasting. I am not sure if the competition itself was the idea of the CFS, but the tasting certainly was. The wine tasting garden is the result of the same phenomenon. Someone else set it up, and then the fair came in and scooped up the profits. The problem with this is that the customer suffers. The people serving will no longer be knowledgeable about beer the same way that the home brewers were. The prices are all guaranteed to go up. The worst part is that this was the only fundraising event that the CFS runs all year long.

I doubt they will go back to the way it used to be. Nothing does. Don’t skip the beer tasting if you go to the fair. I am sure it is worth the few extra dollars to taste some good beer amongst the money pit that is any fair. Last year there was great beers to be drunk. My advice: skip the fair. Take the kid’s to Beach Wood BBQ (Seal Beach) or Father’s Office, then go to Disneyland.

Sour Beer Article Dec. 07 ?

Pucker Up, Buttercup
by Lew Bryson |
Sour beer is difficult to make and difficult to like—but it just might be America’s next hot brew.

Twenty years ago I was a home brewer—mainly because I was living in places where Genesee Cream Ale was considered exotic. I made my own beer, and I drank a lot of other guys’ home brews. Sometimes they were pretty good, sometimes only okay, and sometimes they were flat-out eye-popping, pucker-till-your-cheeks-meet sour. If I brought this up, I’d usually be told, quickly and defensively, “Oh, it’s actually a Belgian-style.” I’d nod, try to look knowing...and then “misplace” that glass as quickly as possible.

What used to be considered a mistake is now a small but fast-growing niche in American craft brewing. This year, the Great American Beer Festival, for 25 years the preeminent American beer competition, added two new categories for sour beers to the judging (the first was created in 2002). Now, in addition to all the breweries that have added a sour beer to their lineup, there is at least one craft brewery, Jolly Pumpkin Artisan Ales in Dexter, Michigan, which makes only sour beers.

“Good” sour beer is largely differentiated from “bad” sour beer by virtue of intent and intensity. When you plan for sour, you formulate a beer with enough body to balance the tart heart.

The Belgian sour beers, which have been around for centuries, and of which Rodenbach is probably the best-known example, are interesting and balanced, with wood and fruit notes that make them refreshing and rewarding. The brewers age their beers in unlined wooden vessels instead of modern stainless-steel ones, and the wild yeasts and microflora that live in the crevices of the wood work on a different schedule and agenda than plain, standard beer yeasts: The results are more complex and much more tart.

American craft brewers started experimenting with sour back in the mid-’90s, usually attempting to copy Belgian lambics, beers that can exhibit combinations of sharp acidity and barnyard funk. New Belgium Brewing of Fort Collins, Colorado, has been using some of the profits from burgeoning sales of its smooth and popular Fat Tire Amber Ale to build up a large wood-aged sour beer program during the past seven years, starting with the beautifully multilayered and aptly named La Folie. “Follow your Folly,” the brewery encourages customers.

Brewers have taken direct inspiration from the phrase and the landmark beer. You’ll find a rapid ferment of ideas about sour beers in many corners of the country, like at Russian River Brewing, in Santa Rosa, California, where brewer Vinnie Cilurzo has been on the front edge of American brewing for years and is generally acknowledged as the first brewer of the massively hopped double-imperial I.P.A. style. About a month ago, I was lucky enough to get a sample of a sour ale he brewed for the 20th anniversary of the landmark Toronado beer bar in San Francisco: a balance of sweet malt and dry cherry, with a smooth veneer of oaky tannin to pull it all together—a masterpiece. As most brewers do with these beers, Cilurzo charges a premium price to reflect the costs of the longer aging and the difficulty of the brewing process

The question is whether sour beers have a wide enough appeal to make them a viable new market segment, even at niche levels. “Sour” seems crazy as a descriptor to attract people to a beer, but so is “bitter,” and that’s one that has made a lot of friends for beer. I.P.A.’s, the bitterest of beers, make up the fifth-largest category for craft brewers, and the competition among brewers is to see who can stuff the most bitterness into a beer and have it still be enjoyable. That bodes well for sour, which has a parallel dryness on the palate. (Sour is like biting the fruit of a lemon; bitter’s more like biting the peel.)

“I may be optimistic, but I think sour beers are the next I.P.A.,” says Ron Jeffries, owner of Jolly Pumpkin. Jeffries’ beers are all oak-aged, soured by contact with the wood. The beers, sold in large, beautifully labeled bottles bearing names like La Roja, Bam Bière, and Oro de Calabaza, are not paragons of consistency, but that’s part of their appeal, and they are generating serious buzz among beer geeks.

I recently blogged about a delicious sour ale called Moxie from New Holland Brewing in Holland, Michigan, and got a rapturous response from veteran Oregon beer writer Jeff Alworth. “Sour is the new hoppy! Okay, maybe not, but sour is my fave note, even before bitter.”

Still, sour mania has its drawbacks, chief among them being cost. Jeffries’ beers are widely considered to be underpriced at $8 for a 750-milliliter bottle; others are in the area of $20 a bottle, and the rarer Belgian imports go up from there. These sourific wild yeasts and bacteria aren’t just sour, they’re slow, and some of these beers take 18 months or more to come to proper fruition. They’re also tenacious; brewers have to take extra care to isolate them from the rest of their brews or risk cross-contamination and an all-out funkification of their entire brewery.

There’s also the substantial risk that no one will want to buy them. Make no mistake, these beers are challenging. There’s a pretty steep acceptance curve, although once you develop a taste for them, there’s nothing else that can substitute.

There’s a bright side for brewers though. Given the skyrocketing cost of hops, sour beers offer a way to keep both geeks and brewers happy and interested. It’s cutting-edge stuff without the constant worry over supply issues: There’s always more yeast and bugs. Maybe sour will become the new hoppy by necessity.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Making Money on the Internet

Here is a website.

Ways to make money on the Internet.
I'm talking small, but real money to start with - not the ' $1000+ in a week ' scams.
This site is simple to load quickly. No fancy graphics, just the honest facts.
First, you need some 'tools'.
A dedicated credit card for the Internet. more...
Open FREE Internet banking accounts to receive payment. more...
Disposable email addresses. more...
An 'always online' connection to the Internet. more...
Second, programs where you need to invest some money.
The risk is greater but the rewards can be huge!
High yield investment programs (HYIP) return high yields on your investment but are also high risk and of limited duration. Get in early with a sum you can afford to loose and earn 20% daily for a few days or 2% daily for a few weeks/months. Most use 'e-currency' so you will need to open free accounts here... To help in deciding which programs to invest in and when to pull out I have kept the statistics of several current sites and also of sites that have closed. This is a very volatile market but can be very profitable and exciting.
No HYIP sites to recommend at present.
Playing the Foreign Exchange markets. A very volatile area where returns can be huge. More details on another page here ...
Third, programs where you earn money but are free to join.
Trickle income, like these sites below, build up a bank balance, give you confidence and earn you some funds to invest in HYIP or other programs that require you to deposit money first.
Clixn'Cash has a payout as low as $0.25 and you can earn about 4c the first visit!. (you must have a free AlertPay or PayPal account to join) so get paid quickly to see how the Bux PTC (pay to click) programs work. Look here for proof that Clixn'Cash has paid me again and again.
Bookmark your log-in page and check your account several times daily for ads to click on.
You can upgrade your account by purchasing referrals.
Wait for the ad to load and then watch the 10 second timer count down. If you open two ads at the same time you will be paid for none of them. Be fair to the advertisers.
You can earn about 5c to 20c daily from one Bux site - if you join 10 similar Bux sites you can earn $1 a day in 30 minutes even without buying referrals!
The following Bux sites follow the same theme but have $2 to $10 minimum payouts:- Neobux (proof), BuxP (proof) .
Remember to bookmark this page and all the sites you join to make it easier to return daily.
MyLot is a great program for people who like to chat and earn a few cents a day at the same time! The range of subjects is enormous and from all over the world. Upload pictures from your computer, list your passions and other features. But beware - this program can become infectious!! Payment is by PayPal so you will need to get a free PayPal account . I have been paid 18 times by MyLot - here is June and July
MakeMoneyKingdom is a forum dealing with the subject of earning online. You earn the equivalent of $0.0075 a post (one gold coin = a quarter cent) with a maximum of 20 posts a day. But the real reason for joining is for the wealth of information and support to be had from other people. When you join, read the four 'sticky' topics in the Help & Support section which will explain the rules and how to earn. After that try the Pay to Click section to make a post yourself and earn up to 15 cents today. There are very popular threads on Neobux and Mylot to join in. This site is for serious earners who will use the forum and not for spammers. Pays over $10 minimum to PayPal and easily reached each month if active. Proof of payment.... .
Bukisa will pay you for submitting short articles on a wide variety of subjects. This site is aimed at the more knowledgeable surfer who has the expertise to pass on their experience in good English. Pay is based on 1000 views of your articles at a rate that varies with the site income. At the moment this is between $3 and $4 CPM. Payout minimum is $50. Here is a tutorial on how to submit content and here is an example of an article on web site stats.
GetPaidTo join programs! Sign up for any of the 1550 free cash offers available and get paid instantly through Paypal. For instance, join Ebay and get $7 (so long as you are not already a member). Low minimum payout of $0.50 which you can earn in minutes with a daily survey. Free to join. Open only to USA, Canada and UK residents, like a lot of these GPT programs. Most offers are free but some require a purchase which are clearly marked. Please be truthful when joining and giving information and best to use a dedicated email address as you will get many replies.
Go here to see the payment process and proof of payment to my PayPal account
And here are some tips on how to do offers and set up your PC to earn with GPT programs.
PayByOffers is a new site from the same stable as GetPaidTo above but is open to members from many more countries and they are adding new countries all the time. You can earn money and win prizes here very quickly as well. Screengrab of my requst for payment - 37 minutes later it is in my Paypal account!
BlueBayptr is a great PTS ( paid to search ), PTC ( paid to click ) PTJ (paid to join or sign up) and PTR ( paid to read ) program and, unlike some, has a low payout threshold of $2. This amount can be quickly reached by joining other programs from the Paid to Signup section, searching on links in your Inbox and clicking on banners in the Paid to Click area. I earn about $7 a month on my own searches. Payment is by PayPal so you will need to get a free PayPal account. If you don't do proper searches (see below) then you will not be sent many paid links.
Here is a tutorial on how to make a valid search . It will take longer than the 40 seconds shown to finish loading three pages but if the advertiser doesn't get paid, you wont get the links in the future.
Rpoints is aimed at UK/Euro surfers comparing prices of goods.
An example of how Rpoints worked to save me 36% off my UK car insurance is here...
This shows that you can save money and make money using Rpoints.
I also received £20 (2,000 points) cashback for opening an Egg credit card. It really works!.
You can buy almost anything at the best retail price and then get an added discount with Rpoints. Go to 'easy money' then 'recurring' where comparing prices with Kelkoo and others earns about 2p to 6p a click up to a max of about £1 a day. Rpoints are ultra-cautious about awarding points. They take days to check, then credit, your points and then a month or more to validate them before you can cash in. A good forum explains all this. But, once the ball is rolling and you're clicking every day, the cash rolls into PayPal at £5 minimum a time and in £sterling too so you can have dollar and sterling PayPal accounts to save on exchange rates.
Higher Payouts from 'free to join' programs.
Normally I avoid very high payout programs where it sometimes takes a year to reach the minimum by which time the site may have vanished!
You WILL get paid with these programs; about $35 to $50 a month for just these programs and there are dozens more to choose from. Join up, add to your favourites or put an icon on your desktop by dragging on a links page for each program and visit the sites at intervals through the day and earn a bit each time. It soon adds up.
I can get you referrals. Contact me for details on how its done.

1. Right click on the log-in page for each program and save a shortcut link to your desktop, or, Add to your Favourites in a new folder, named Daily, for instance. Much easier to remember your daily earning sites by double clicking on the icons or links.

2. Write the address and log-in details for each site in the back of your diary. It is easy to forget your user name and password and you can continue to earn money on another pc when away from home.

3. Get into the habit of regular visits. Most sites will cancel your account if you don't make use of it and any money earned will be lost.

4. Contact me if you need help or advice.
Fourth, make a web site of your own and get advertisers on it.

The final group of earning programs can be placed on your own web site.
First you need a website with content interesting enough to attract visitors.
Think of a subject that you know a lot about - you, your family, your job, your hobby - whatever it is, focus on it and provide detailed information; facts, figures. Try to make your web site the definitive source of information on your chosen subject.
With a web site designed you need a domain name and a hosting service. It is like an address to the house where your web site lives. I use Easily to buy my domain names and Cirtex to host them, both companies give excellent service and support.
Promote your website using the points earned from working the PTS, PTR and PTC you joined above in section three and to get referrals to sign up under you.
Once you have a web site with solid content you have a 'product' to sell. Many of the top programs will not accept you as an affiliate unless you have a web site of substance.
The star payer is Google AdSense. They pay for clicks and pay very well and cleverly match their ads to the content of your page. Minimum payout is $100 by cheque.
Chitika also pay you for clicks on their targeted ads on your web site but have a minimum payout of only $10 to Paypal. At the moment, only clicks from US and Canada visitors count for payment but more countries are to be added later.
A good affiliate scheme is TradeDoubler . where you can join up for free to any of dozens of schemes under one 'roof' . All affiliate schemes have a minimum payout limit of around $50 so grouping schemes together as with TradeDoubler . [aimed at European web sites] and Commission Junction [aimed at North America but covering the world] means that you can get a cheque earlier.
Lots of companies would love you to join them as an affiliate and will pay you a commission when your visitors buy some of their products. It makes sense to join up with companies compatible with your site. Amazon sell a lot more than just books now and pay 5% to 7.5% commission by targeting specific goods with a link from your site.

Bravenet has a lot of free goodies to add to your web site to attract more visitors and can help in setting up and hosting a web site with a free domain name. They also offer 50mb of free space on their servers to store your password protected back-up files and sensitive data. A well respected site of long standing..

Banner advertisements, love 'em or hate 'em, are part of the Net. Place these standard sized banners from AdBrite on your page and earn up to $1/1000 impressions depending on validity of visitor. Note that these are impressions or CPM rates, your visitor just has to see them, they do not have to click on the ads or buy anything. That is why the rates are lower than ' pay per click ' banners. AdBrite pay out monthly by cheque for earnings over $50 and pay me regularly.
Another site paying $1 to $2/1000 banner impressions is Bux-O-Rama.
A large variety of banner and button sizes are available from Oxado and they pay well for clicks. Join up, get your site approved and then get your banner code to put on your web site to start earning. Depending where you live in the world you will be paid by wire, cheque or Paypal.
Pop-under windows are better selling tools than banners and will pay you up to $1.80/1000 impressions. This is the best you will get on the net and they pay monthly without fail. Popup killer browsers have changed the market so they only supply pop-unders but with anti-killer code that works with the major browsers. A busy site will still earn more than the $25 minimum for a cheque to be sent each month. They are now open to international affilliates and pop-under earnings.
Remember, these are all free to join; you have no outgoings other than your normal internet connection which you have anyway. To be perfectly frank, the only downside to these deals is that it takes up your time to organise the links, and your browser and/or web site will run a bit slower while advertising banners load.

The Internet is fast changing - please let us know if a good deal comes along or if you find a crooked deal; contact and we will check it out and give it an unbiased opinion.